About us

The world around us is changing and it is time for the legal profession to innovate too. Legaltree is a partner-only firm. Each partner has at least ten years of experience at top-tier law firms in the Dutch market. Our partners are recognised specialists in their respective fields of law, serving clients in business as well as the public sector.






E info@legaltree.nl

T +31 (0)88 040 21 00

Legaltree Leiden

Rapenburg 83
2311 GK Leiden
PO Box 4023
2301 RA Leiden

Legaltree Amsterdam

Olympisch Stadion 24-28
1076 DE Amsterdam
PO Box 4023
2301 RA Leiden

Legaltree Rotterdam

Blaak 555
Unit 24.01
3011 GB RotterdamĀ 


Flexible in approach, transparent in costs

At Legaltree, you can commission our services on a flexible basis. Whether you need a lawyer for a day, half-day, hour, or on a project basis, we offer customised solutions in consultation with you. The way we work enables us to set competitive rates, which reflect the quality and speed of our work. You will not find hidden costs such as an office markup on our invoices. At Legaltree, you only pay for the actual cost of the services you receive. Just like you, we value transparency, not just afterwards, but up front too.

Would you like to know what fees you will pay when you engage one of our specialised lawyers? We can agree on a fixed fee for all or part of a project or process, ensuring you know the costs upfront.