Marjolein Driessen


Marjolein Driessen specialises in Intellectual Property (IP) and Advertising law. Before joining Legaltree in 2011, she worked for ten years as a lawyer and trademark agent, advising clients on all aspects of IP, in particular trademarks, designs and copyright, as well as unfair competition and advertising law.


Her clients are creatives, designers and innovators. They include designers, authors, artists, communication agencies, national and multinational companies in the fashion, furniture, sports, film and travel industries.
 Marjolein is an experienced litigator in a wide variety of court procedures, oppositions and domain name arbitrations. She also has many years of experience handling complaints at the Dutch Advertising Code Committee. Thanks to her experience as a trademark attorney, she can provide her clients with practical and valuable advice before (potential) conflicts develop, and acts as sounding board for those establishing and maintaining trademark and design portfolios.

Work experience

  • Lawyer IP and advertising law at the Rotterdam boutique firm Leijnse Artz, 2004-2011
  • Trademark and design attorney at Octrooi- en Merkenbureau Vereenigde, 2001-2004

Memberships & ancillary positions

  • Benelux Association for Trademarks and Design Law (BMM)
  • Association for Advertising Law (VvRr)
  • Association for Copyright Law (VvA)
  • Association for Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • Marques
Marjolein is chair of the Editing Committee and member of the Supervisory Board at BMM.


  • Grotius Academy – postgraduate specialisation National and International Contracts, 2014
  • Benelux association for Trademark- and Design law – postgraduate training, 2003
  • Leiden University, 2000
  • Université de Bourgogne, Frankrijk – Droit Civil, Droit de l'Homme, Relations Internationales, 2000
  • Various courses on intellectual property law

Books and publications

Marjolein is co-author of the Dutch textbook Intellectueel eigendomsrecht begrepen [Understanding intellectual property rights] published and available at Boom Juridisch. Marjolein is also co-author of 'IE in Bedrijf' [IP in Business], a series of practical books which explain intellectual property for entrepreneurs and companies. Part 1 – Handelsnamen en merken [Trade Names and Trademarks], Part 2 – Bescherming van ideeën [Protecting ideas], Part 3 – Vormgeving [Design], Part 4 Relame [Advertising], Part 5 Online [Online] and Part 6 Inbreuk op IE-rechten [infringement of IP rights]. The titles are available as hardcover and eBook at and, as well as at bookshops. A sample is available for download at:


Trademark attorney and dispute resolution whizz Marjolein Driessen is a favourite of artists and designers, who appreciate her dedication and passion for their industry.
World Trademark Review 10002021
