Registry of Jurisdictions

The lawyers listed below have registered in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association in the following main (and sub) areas of law.



Name Principal legal practice Secondary legal practice(s)
Antoinette van Beest Company and business law Mergers and takeovers, companies
Olga van Beijeren Employment law Employment mediation, collective redundancies, participation
Elisa Benhaim Criminal law Financial economic criminal law, tax criminal law, international criminal law, environmental criminal law
Christine van den Berg Real estate law
Tenancy law Commercial properties, residential properties
Eunice Bruyninckx Employment law Pensions, collective redundancies, participation, international employment law
Wouter de Clerck Civil procedural law
Antoinette Collignon Civil procedural law Litigation
Personal injury law
Renate Croes Criminal law Financial economic criminal law, tax criminal law, environmental criminal law
Marjolein Driessen Intellectual property law
Rutger Evers Intellectual property law
Jacoline Gortzak Company and business law Mergers and takeovers, companies
Onno Hakvoort Contract law
Karien Lagrouw Administrative law
Environmental law Environmental law, nature conservation law, spatial administrative law, water law
Willemijn Lever Real estate law Statutory rights and duties between neighbours, easements, leasehold
Tenancy law Commercial properties, residential properties
Max van Leyenhorst Civil procedural law Arbitration, attachment and execution law, litigation
Contract law
Mark Lim Real estate law Construction law
Linda Mantel Company and business law Mergers and takeovers
Tamara Novakovski Contract law
Sander Oorthuys Civil procedural law Arbitration, attachment and execution law, litigation
Contract law
Niek Peters Civil procedural law Arbitration, attachment and execution law, litigation
Contract law
Marleen de Putter Company and business law Gentrification and distribution
Regulated markets Competition law
Bastiaan Siemers Financial law
Joyce Snijder Employment law
Simona Tiems Health law
Company and business law Companies, associations and foundations
Disciplinary law Lawyer disciplinary rules, medical disciplinary law
Robrecht Timmermans Notarial practice
Irene Verheijen Regulated markets
Administrative law Administrative procedural law, European law, enforcement law
Carolien van Weering Health law
Personal injury law
Marjolein Westerbeek Employment law Labor mediation, collective dismissal, employee participation, international labor law
Taco Wiersma Civil procedural law Arbitration, attachment and execution law, litigation
Intellectual property Law
Bart Wilton Company and business law Mergers and takeovers, companies, associations and foundations, directors’ liability
Contract law
Otto de Witt Wijnen Company and business law Companies, associations and foundations, directors’ liability
Insolvency law Bankruptcy, suspension of payments
Danielle Zwartjens Health law


Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.