Legaltree lawyer Irene Verheijen appointed as the new president of the European Food Law Association (EFLA) in Brussels. On 1 October she was chosen as chair by the members for the coming two years. EFLA helps food law specialists keep a close eye on all the...
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food law
[DUTCH] Landkaart Levensmiddelenrecht (Editie 2019)
Boek Irene Verheijen, Theo Appelhof, Bernd van der Meulen en Sofie van der Meulen, Landkaart Levensmiddelenrecht (Editie 2019), Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers 2018. De levensmiddelensector is één van de meest gereguleerde sectoren in de Europese Unie en dus ook in Nederland....