Eunice Bruyninckx


Eunice Bruyninckx was sworn in as a lawyer in 1995. She began to focus exclusively on employment law in 1997, with an emphasis on co-determination, transfer of undertakings, collective labour agreements (CLA), equal treatment, and individual and collective dismissal law. Eunice generally works for large companies and regularly supports company directors and board members.


Eunice is mentioned in various legal listings as recommended specialist in her field. Her clients particularly appreciate her expert and practical approach to providing legal assistance. Eunice publishes and teaches regularly. She is also an annotator for the Dutch journal of employment case law (JAR) and she teaches various in-house courses for clients and prospects, for example about case documentation, co-determination and employee illness.

Work experience

After spending 17 years gaining experience at several leading law firms (including Simmons & Simmons and Linklaters), Eunice joined Legaltree as a partner on 1 January 2012.

Memberships & ancillary positions

  • Rotterdam Association of Employment Lawyers (VRAA)
  • Association of Employment Law Lawyers in the Netherlands (VAAN)
  • European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
  • Dutch Association of Employment Lawyers (VvA)


  • Postgraduate programme Certified Pension Lawyer (2001)
  • Leiden University (1994)
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