Taco specialises in international trade, transport and insurance, with a focus on litigation in marine and commercial disputes. For over thirty years, he has acted for insurance companies, shipping companies, dredging companies, banks, retailers, public authorities, litigation funders and private equity firms. Taco is active in cases involving international procedures and contracts, often jointly with and on behalf of Dutch and foreign law firms from his personal network. In addition, he regularly acts as arbitrator for resolving international disputes.
Taco is an all-round expert in contract law and procedural and attachment law, and has special knowledge and experience in:
- (recovery) procedures against foreign states and the law on immunity;
- arbitration, including commercial disputes, shipbuilding and maritime accidents;
- international commodities trade and financing (commodities trade and letters of credit);
- disputes involving (liability) insurance;
- drawing up complex transport and distribution contracts.
Work experience
Taco was sworn in as attorney-at-law in 1989. At the start of his career he worked at NautaDutilh. In 1995 he established is own firm (Wiersma Mensonides Advocaten) with a number of colleagues where he was a managing partner until the end of 2021.
Ancillary positions
Taco holds various ancillary positions, including:
- Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA) – Chair of the Maritime and Transport Committee
- German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA) – Panel of arbitrators
- UNUM Transport Arbitration & Mediation – Panel of arbitrators
- Dutch Association for Transport Law (NVV)
- Dutch Transport Lawyers Association (NVA)
- International Bar Association (Arbitration and Litigation, and Maritime and Transport Law Committees)
- The Association of Average Adjusters (AAA)
- The London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA)
- University of Utrecht – Dutch Law (1987)