Working together for the relatives of the MH17 victims, Antoinette Collignon in Advocatenblad (Lawyer Magazine)

Antoinette Collignon

10 June, 2021

This week saw the start of the substantive hearing of the MH17 criminal proceedings. Legaltree-partner Antoinette Collignon, who specializes in cross-border liability and personal injury cases, is one of the members of the MH17 Legal Assistance Team, which is made up of eight personal injury and criminal defence lawyers from various law firms. The team provides legal assistance to the relatives of the victims. In the Dutch article “Samen sterk voor nabestaanden MH17” in het Advocatenblad” (“Working together for the relatives of the MH17 victims”) published in Advocatenblad, three colleagues explain how they operate together in this emotionally charged case.

We wish the victims’ relatives and all others who are in any way involved in this matter all the strength they will need in these difficult times and hope that the truth will be established and that justice will be served on those responsible for this disaster.

Photo: Feike Faase, Advocatenblad

About the author

Antoinette Collignon

Antoinette Collignon specialises in national and cross-border liability and bodily injury cases, product liability, employer liability and international civil law.