
The purpose of competition law is to create a level playing field for as many market parties as possible.

Competition law is about cartel violations, or preventing these, merger control by the ACM and the European Commission and the prohibition against the abuse of a dominant position. We do not only act as your adviser, but also assist you in legal proceedings. A large part of our work consists of advising companies with a view to avoiding competition law problems.

We do this in a pragmatic way: either we provide you with a solution or we give you clear advice. We also provide assistance to companies in proceedings against decisions by the ACM and advise them prior to or during dawn raids (unannounced investigations by the ACM). We have experience in notifying the ACM of mergers and regularly advise on vertical agreements (distribution, franchise and agencies), non-compete clauses, joint development and compliance with competition law.

Onze expertise


Our clients are contracting authorities (such as municipalities), care institutions, manufacturing companies, producers, importers, distributors, enterprises in the cultural sector, energy companies and agricultural enterprises.

Competition law

To safeguard fair competition, the Competition Act was introduced in 1998. It is the duty of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (the ‘ACM’) to supervise compliance with the competition rules. Competition law defines the limits imposed on the extent of cooperation between companies and prohibits cartels and abuse of dominant positions. In addition, the law sometimes requires that the ACM is notified of proposed mergers, takeovers or joint ventures, while a ban of state aid may be in place. Breaches of competition rules may be subject to high fines, while agreements made in violation of the competition rules will be void. Anyone taking part in a cartel may be faced with claims for damages from customers. It is therefore wise to be very strict where compliance with competition rules is concerned. In addition it should be borne in mind that competition law also provides rules for, for example, agreements on exclusive cooperation, non-competition clauses, distribution, franchising, agencies and supply schemes. Legaltree advises on competition law and assists enterprises in proceedings against the ACM and other disputes involving competition law. We have experience in the notification of mergers and regularly advise and litigate on cartel fines, cooperation between enterprises, cartel damages, compliance, abuse of a dominant position and prohibited state aid.

Our partners specialized in Competition
