Regulated markets

Several markets in the Netherlands are regulated. Examples include utility sectors such as telecoms, healthcare, energy and water. Markets such as food, pharmaceuticals, games of chance and the financial sector are also affected. Free competition is allowed there, but only within the public interest objectives pursued by the government.

Regulated market forces in healthcare, for example, are in the hands of the Dutch Healthcare Authority. The NZa oversees the accessibility and affordability of healthcare. The Inspectorate for Health and Youth Care (IGJ), in turn, focuses on the quality of care. Other well-known regulators are the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, the Kansspelautoriteit, the Authority for Consumers and Markets, the Authority for the Financial Markets and the Data Protection Authority.

The regulators check whether market players do comply with Dutch laws and regulations. They may also issue licences if this is a condition for market entry. If necessary, they can take enforcement measures, such as imposing a fine or a charge.



Do you have questions about compliance with Dutch and European laws and regulations in regulated markets? Legaltree can provide expert advice. We also assist you in obtaining a licence. Or to comply with other conditions the government requires of you in order to enter a market. And does it come to a legal dispute with a regulator? We stand beside you.