Company law and corporate governance

Legaltree has the expertise to deal with the internal affairs of a company. Legaltree regularly provides assistance in mergers and takeovers and advises shareholders and directors in restructuring operations, liability matters and corporate governance issues. When necessary we make use of the expertise available in related practice groups at our office, such as our employment law, competition law and dispute resolution lawyers.

Corporate governance

Every company must have its corporate governance in order, especially in these times when governance is under a magnifying glass. For instance, the relations between the management board, the supervisory board and the general meeting must be clear. As should the way in which these corporate bodies are accountable. Our corporate governance lawyers can advise you on a wide range of corporate governance issues, rules and best practices.

Views on what constitutes good and bad governance are constantly changing. Corporate governance concerns not only directors, supervisory directors and shareholders, but also employees and creditors. Increasingly, societal interests play a role in governance issues. For instance, do large companies have a social responsibility? These are questions that are the subject of much debate. Our specialists closely follow all trends and best practices in the field of corporate governance and regularly publish on these subjects.

Legaltree’s corporate governance team not only advises (international) listed companies, supervisory boards and foundations, but also non-listed (family) companies, non-profit organisations and supervisory authorities.

Our expertise

  • Takeover disputes and protective measures
  • Shareholder activism and agenda-setting requests
  • Board structures and board composition
  • Rights, obligations and liabilities of directors and supervisory directors
  • One-tier board model
  • Supervisory board committees, such as audit committee, remuneration committee, selection and appointment committee and their compositions
  • Powers issues around board policy and strategy
  • Review and draft regulations of the management board and supervisory board and its committees
  • Conflict of interest
  • Related party transactions
  • Remuneration of executive and supervisory directors

Our method

With us, you are always in direct contact with an experienced partner, who will put together a multidisciplinary team for you if necessary. This works quickly and efficiently. Thanks to our practical experience and close monitoring of all developments, we know what may be important to you. That is why we understand better than anyone that you would rather deal with business than legal questions. That is why we take a targeted approach. Preferably by resolving matters amicably, energetically if business or time demands have come to the right place.

- Corporate Governance general: Robrecht Timmermans, Antoinette van Beest

- Governance at listed companies and regulated financial enterprises: Bastiaan Siemers

- Rights, obligations and liabilities of executive and supervisory directors: Otto de Witt Wijnen